Friday, February 25, 2005

The Doctor has confirmed it!

YES YES YES, I am five weeks pregnant based on having my last period around January 15 -21. I saw Dr. Chelvi yesterday morning and she was so happy for me. It was such a great feeling to see two lines rather than just the one.

Praise the LORD!!! Halleluiah.

The first person I spoke to was Mom who was more than excited and prayed with me on the phone for a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby. See, the Doctor said that the first 12 weeks is the most delicate stage of pregnancy and its best to keep the pregnancy to ourselves for now. We can tell when the first trimester is over and if I pass that stage them it would be smooth sailing from there. Mom said not to dwell on the bad side and to lift everything up to the Divine Will and think of positive things. She also said not to be tight when it comes to spending for this pregnancy as it is our first and its better to look after our health that the money we save.

Michelle was on MSN and started kuliting me about being preggy and yes I told her but said to keep it to herself because we are not telling anyone 'til we are passed the first trimester. That's another 7 weeks. Can I hold my secret for that long?

In three weeks time, we need to decide on which way to go - public or private with Dr Gayer. Public is free with nothing to spend at all but you are going to succumb to waiting times for check up and different doctors will see you depending on who is there at the checkup time. If I went with Private, Dr. Gayer will look after me with her $1800 fee and consultation fee of $120 on initial visit and $60 for every subsequent check up. Some of our friends (Maria Dent, Mary & Dennis, Donna, Michelle, Sonny Redoblado) recommend that we take on private because of the nature of me getting pregnant and at least if there are complications, Dr Gayer will know my history. Even Rommel's parents and mine have said that we should go for the best treatment.
We're still in the process of deciding.

While at work, Tita Dulce, YM'd me to say congrats and to take care. I asked her to pray for me and the baby. She said that all I have to do is take care.

After work, Rommel and I went to Fantasia to buy Maria's embossing template for Arnold's wedding invite. Afterwards, we were at Collin's Bookstore with $210 worth of baby books. heheheh. We now have "What to expect when expecting?" "What to eat when expecting?" "Up the Duff. by Kaz Cooke" and other titles I can't even remember. I guess we'll be reading quite a lot in the next few weeks. I contemplated borrowing books from Michelle and Donna but thought that I would want to keep a copy of these books in our study for reference. I can now trash all those IT and Software Manuals that I haven't touched since we moved into the house.

When we got home Rommel tried calling his parents but no one was answering, we have been trying all day to reach them but nothing. So Rommel decided to call Ron to find out where Mom and Dad are but he had no idea and Rommel told him that he was going to be an uncle. Rommel then called Sha who somehow knew what the call was about and she said that Mom and Dad were in Lae and arriving in Bulolo late this evening.

We had to go to singing practice at Tito Mike's and it was so hard to keep my news within but lucky no one asks us anymore about being pregnant so we had to answer no questions. hehhehe :) As we were about to leave, Rommel's mobile was ringing and it was Mom calling trying to find out what we were calling about. Rommel told her that he'll call back when we get home in 5 minutes. When we got home, we spoke to Donna who said Dex was really sick and the HomeClass would be cancelled this evening. Again, it was so hard no to say anything but I just kept quiet and mentioned nothing about the pregnancy to her (Sorry, Donna!). As soon as I hung up, Rommel call Mom and Dad to tell them the good news... They were so thrilled and it was like finally we will be lolo and lola. Mom said that she has been praying for us and this to her is an answered prayer. Dad said that his friend kept on asking if he had grandkids yet and now he'll be happy to say that he will have grandkids soon.

It was nice to tell our family the good news. At about 1:20am, I was awoken by stomach cramps again and got out of bed to see Edward watching Lost which we taped for him. I told him the good news and with a smile on his face he said "Congratulations!". Everyone we told were so happy to hear the news, we just hope and pray that everything will go well with this pregnancy and delivery.


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